
Sorghum (the grain) is a genus of flowering plants in the grass family Poaceae, which includes about 25 species. Some of which, while gluten free, may contain lethal amounts of cyanide.
Sorghum (the pedal) is a loud-as-fuck silicon transistor fuzz. Sorghum can be clean and sparkly, gated and broken, sustainy and gainy, or mangle your signal with wailing oscillations and glitchy harmonics. Some settings can be noisy whereas others may be quiet. The knobs can be quite interactive and as such
warrants a bit of exploring.
Controls (listed top to bottom):
B (bias)- adds harmonics/gain, has big effect on overall noise floor
C (char)- adds synthy/gated gain
G (gain)- adds regular gain
V (volume)- adds volume
T (tone)- cuts bass/gain to the left, does nothing fully clockwise
Cranking C, G, and V can produce oscillations/feedback which can be tuned through a combination of B, T, and your guitar's knobs. Like a vintage style fuzz, Sorghum prefers to receive an unbuffered signal from your guitar, especially if you want it to oscillate. But you don't have to do what it wants, be your own person. Setting Sorghum to oscillate after a buffered pedal can result in a very different tone and potentially a lot of white noise, but idk maybe you're in to that type of thing.